Sea Zone | Seaweed | Most people know two general types of seaweed wrecks (members of the brown algal order Fucales such as Fucus) and kelps (members of the brown algal order Laminariales such as Laminaria), and many have heard of Carrageenan or Irish Moss (usually a red alga , Chondrus crispus), and Dulse or Dillisk (a red alga, Palmaria palmata).

Seaweed are the Sargasso Sea, an ocean gyre in the western Atlantic, where drift plants of different species of the genus Sargassum accumulate. Seaweeds are particularly important ecologically they dominate the rocky intertidal in most oceans, and in temperate and polar regions cover rock surfaces in the shallow subtidal.

Seaweeds are used in many maritime regions for industrial applications and as a fertilizer, In most western countries, seaweed consumption is relatively limited and there is no great pressure to the mass production techniques. On this site, seaweed aquaculture, particularly nori, a Japanese red seaweed, is described in detail.Industrial use of seaweed concentrates on the extraction of phycocolloids (marine hydrocolloids), and, to a much lesser extent, certain fine biochemicals.

Seaweeds are used in cosmetics, and as organic fertilizer. Seaweed extracts appear in the strangest places, you almost certainly have eaten a type of seaweed extract in the last 24 hours so many processed foods such as chocolate milk, yogurt, health drinks, and even the highest quality German beers contain seaweed polysaccharides such as agar, carrageenans and alginates! Seaweed baths have leg popular in Ireland and Britain since Edwardian times, and seaweed wraps and treatments have become poular in the last few years.
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